Random Thoughts

I first identified with THIS in or around 1990:

There are lots of things that occur to me in the course of a given day that don't warrant a full blog entry. They warrant absolutely NOTHING, come to think about it. So, why not log them here?


9/14/2019 - Saw a baseball player on TV named Junior Fernandez. If he has a masculine kid named after him, would he be Junior Fernandez, Junior?


9/17/2019 - I wonder how many people out there think that you get significantly better-sealed bread bags by twisting the twist-tie on them upwards of 10 times? Where's the science that says this is needed? I say no more than 3 twists, tops.


9/25/2019 - When did hand-eye coordination become eye-hand coordination? I did not get this memo.


9/20/2019 - Why does "good evening" usually mean the people exchanging the greeting will still be awake for a while, but "good night" ALWAYS means at least one of the people is about to go to bed?


9/22/2019 - How come on Wheel Of Fortune you can't buy a consonant?


10/3/2019 - I get a giggle when I see someone post online, saying "Happy birthday to so-and-so, on what would've been their 125th birthday". Um, I think at a certain point, dead people don't celebrate birthdays. I set the line at 100. Anything beyond that, chances are they weren't making it that long anyway.


10/12/2019 - What would you call the housekeeper for a Mafia Don? Would they be a made maid?


10/13/2019 - The phrase, "it goes without saying" seems to always be either preceded or followed by whatever it is that supposedly doesn't need to be said.


10/24/2019 - Sometimes, I have trouble focusing. Like when I stop doing something important to wonder, "what do squirrels do when they see a shiny object?"


10/25/2019 - How come they call it "pro"creation when it's almost always done by amateurs?


12/16/2019 - In terms of words of words I find difficult to speak without stumbling, "unwieldy" is particularly unwieldy.


3/2/3020 - I think the next installment in the John McClane movie saga should be where he tries to be kinder and gentler until some bad guy pisses him off. Then he kicks ass like usual. Call it, "Old Habits Die Hard".


3/8/2020 - I think what the modern world needs are more almanacs.


11/6/2020 - Facts make the best compliments.


11/8/2020 - Sinking ships leave more room for all other boats.


11/8/2020 - Swallowing your crutch might leave some nasty splinters, but not for long.


5/7/2021 - Procrastinating is one of the very few things you shouldn't do right now.


10/11/2021 - People always give reasons/excuses by saying, "in my defense...", but you never hear the opposite. "Your honor, in my prosecution, I really get a kick out of robbing banks, so that's why I did it this time."


Imagine how different the world would be if humans could not chew food and do other things at the same time. Think about it.



  1. Why don't these words rhyme(cough, rough, though, through), and yet these words do rhyme(pony, bologna).


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