Man Box - A Different Perspective

You know, I try to learn. I like to read about others, and get better at this humanity stuff. I'm not sure how well I'm doing, but I try.

Yesterday, I came across this article about the music of Dorian Electra. First of all, pretty cool name. Second, my brain has difficulty with the pronouns of gender-fluid folks. Not that I don't understand it, just that for 44 years, the words "they" and "them" implied multiple humans. I'm working on that. Because, if I like being referred to as "she", someone who doesn't identify as "she" or "he" is just as important and shouldn't be pigeon-holed just because we don't have a new pronoun for such situations.

That's the article. In it, I discovered something that caught my attention. Dorian mentions gender and labels. They opened my eyes to the idea that labels aren't necessarily bad things, and that my idea of boxes, as mentioned in this blog a while back (READ HERE), can be viewed as something to aspire to. I'm sure there are exceptions, as there always are, but it seems we all desire to fit certain boxes.

I was completely approaching looking at my situation from the perspective of ESCAPING the Man Box. But Dorian likes the Man Box. At least some of the time. I don't know if they are actively trying to escape a different box (or boxes), as I am, but in reading this article, I realized that I am desiring a new box to fit in: The Woman Box.

There are always two sides to every story. Don't box yourself in. Unless, of course, that's your goal.


  1. Again Shannyn, you manage to distill at lot in your last short paragraph.

    But, I would have to say: get rid of the boxes altogether. At least for me I think they are too constricting. I have never had a box that fit. And even though I fully identify as a woman, I don't belong in a box. There are many ways to be a woman. Being a transwoman is one of them. But there are many ways to be a transwoman. It can even be in a so called man role. Femininity can be expressed in so many ways. And my ways are probably similar, but not exactly like another. Well I have dribbled on enough about that.

    I will have take another track on sides to a story. I believe firmly that there and many sides to most stories. Life is just not black and white. There are many shades to life than just these two. I once live a life that was pretty black and white in my thinking, and I suffered for it. Now my views take multiple tracks. Of course, in the end I have to decided what to feel, think, belief, and act. I approach things pragmatically: what is best for me and those within my circles of care. Again I have dribbled on.

    Please forgive me Shannyn. This is your blog and I am only a visitor.


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